最近買左唔少mimo,因為今個月Re-ment都無咩特別野出,自然向另一方面尋求,繼粥店之後,就係茶餐廳既蘭花園,雖然之前已經有t for candy既茶餐廳,但呢set其實都唔錯,都有一0的野係t for candy0個set無既,0的檸檬茶0個0的spoon同杯野飲係可以分開既,但始終都係t for candy好似整得似少少
Disney's Sparkling Christmas (From 19 November 2010 to 2 January 2011) will transform into a storybook Christmas as Main Street U.S.A becomes a Christmas town. Ignite your holiday spirit when you meet and greet Duffy the Bear, a special gift for Mickey during this holiday season!